About Essential Oils

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Essential oils are the missing link in modern approach to care. Aromatic protocols exist dating back 5,000 years. Through time, plants have continued to be the source of extensive research. Essential oils are the most powerful part of the plant. They have been used throughout thousands of years to support everyone’s life. They began international commerce because of their importance. Oils provide delicate fragrances to balance mood, lift spirits, restore vitality and create a pleasing atmosphere. Oils, much like our blood, carry essential nutrients to oxygenate cells. Their chemistry is highly complex.

Therapeutic-grade oils by Young Living, the world leader in Aromatherapy, maybe beneficial for clarity and soothing effects. For alertness, I’ve used Brain Power, Peppermint and Clarity. For occasional nervous energy, I suggest Peace & Calming on the soles Oils can be applied directly on the body or diffused using a cold-air diffuser.

The effects of essential oils are dependent entirely on their purity and quality. That’s why we only use Young Living TM (Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) oils which meet the highest standards in the industry. Young Living chooses to meet the European Standards and sends every batch for independent testing to a laboratory in France that sets all standards. The term Therapeutic Grade was coined by D. Gary Young, Founder of Young Living and accepted by Doctor Herve Casabiance, PhD in chemistry and head of both the French laboratory and the European Commission overseeing grade of essential oils.

Applied topically, oils are in the bloodstream within to 2 minutes. Most oils in today’s market are adulterated with chemicals, synthetics and fillers. Short cuts are taken to only install for aromatic molecules, meaning you will bet the smell of lavender, not the pure, therapeutic – grade benefits.
More and more, healthy-minded people are looking for natural alternatives for themselves and their loved ones.

For more information or to purchase Young Living Essential Oil products, visit http://oilsinlife.younglivingworld.com/. Use distributor number 917209 when placing your order.